It's taken me awhile to start this thread, sorry. I know this may end up in flame wars. Again I am sorry.

So everyone knows my situation. Well those close to me on this site do. My computer is finally showing signs of how old it truly is. Keep in mind my computer has a Pentium 4 processor so I am guessing this setup to be almost ten years old. The problem, even after a few friends helped me here with a new hard drive and more memory, is the rest of the system. The processor can't keep up with the newer operating systems. I'm having a hard time just running XP. Found out the other day my DVD Burner drive is almost dead as it will read disc sometimes and other times it will not. Monitor is on it's last legs as well. Hard to read anything and the brightness is going out. It's an old CRT Dell monitor that is almost as old as the tower.

As Starkers had told you this computer is my main way to communicate with the things that are important in my life. So I was hoping someone out there had a few newer parts I could install to extend the life of the machine a bit. Nothing special. I already have DDR2 memory and a newer hard drive. Just need a few other things.

So carry on. Discuss I guess.

Comments (Page 31)
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on Feb 12, 2013

How am I supposed to do anything in Windows 7 without a mouse?

on Feb 12, 2013

How did you install Win 7 in the first place? Install, shut down, plug mouse in, restart.

on Feb 12, 2013

How am I supposed to do anything in Windows 7 without a mouse?

You're kidding, right?  Try this along with Tab & Enter and you'll do fine.

on Feb 12, 2013

so, who's going to fly to Oregon and fix kona's new free rig for him?

on Feb 12, 2013

No worries guys. I turned off the computer, plugged in my USB mouse, and restarted Windows 7 setup from scratch. Everything is working just fine. I have named this build the "Wincustomize" build. Here are some screenshots:

on Feb 12, 2013

Is that mouse a Lopgitech optical by any chance? That was what I experienced with the one I have. It had to be plugged in before startup or it didn't get recognized. Btw, congrats on the build. Like I thought, the gfx card is the weasest link but it should get you by. Sorry I didn't have something better laying around.

Thanks to all the fine people who pitched in here at WC to make this all happen for Terry. You all are a great bunch!!!

on Feb 12, 2013

If you are running 64 bit Windows, go to the CPUZ site and on the right side of the page near the top, download the 64 bit portable (zip) version 1.63.0 x64, if using 32 bit, you can get it there also.

on Feb 12, 2013

Never mind, it has been explained to me in very few words.

on Feb 12, 2013

Ace or Starkers, why is the core speed so slow? 803.7 and the multiplier at x4.0 ? For comparison, my Phenom 9850BE is running at 2500.20 with a multiplier of 12.5, all stock, no OC, on an MSI 7376 mobo.

It could be that all 4 cores need to be activated in run> msconfig> boot > advanced options> No. of processors> tick box> select No. of cores.  I have found in the past that while all cores may appear in CPUZ, Windows is not necessarily seeing them all... enabling them in msconfig should resolve that.  If they're already registered, however, then it's probably a question for yrag or somebody more techy than I.

on Feb 13, 2013

a question for yrag
I already have an answer from that source " Cool and Quiet, dummy"  I just enabled on my rig, throttles down to 1300 MHz,  mutiplier of 6.25. I learned something and now my head hurts.

on Feb 13, 2013

No worries guys. I turned off the computer, plugged in my USB mouse, and restarted Windows 7 setup from scratch. Everything is working just fine. I have named this build the "Wincustomize" build. Here are some screenshots:

YAY WC and Kona!!!

on Feb 13, 2013

Starkers I did as you suggested. All four cores are running. I have no idea why they are running around 800 Mhz. Is there a fix? Now I am worried!

on Feb 13, 2013

Nevermind. I went into BIOS and turned off cool and quiet technology. Is there an easy to use program to control these fans? Very noisy little computer! It now shows 4 cores at 2.4 Ghz.

on Feb 13, 2013

Is there an easy to use program to control these fans?
You already have something. Cool and Quiet.

yrag told me to enable it. I suggest you do the same.

on Feb 13, 2013

Starkers I did as you suggested. All four cores are running. I have no idea why they are running around 800 Mhz. Is there a fix? Now I am worried!
Starkers I did as you suggested. All four cores are running. I have no idea why they are running around 800 Mhz. Is there a fix? Now I am worried!


Kona, cool and quiet is designed to run at lower speeds until you need more power. It saves heat and wear on the CPU.



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