Published on May 27, 2011 By kona0197 In Personal Computing

I bought a notebook second hand the other day off of CL. I was not informed it was broke. So take a look at the picture and tell me if you would trash the machine or not. The machine is still under warranty yet Acer will not fix it unless I pay them almost $300 dollars. The damage does not effect the machine's use except I thiunk the SD card reader is not working.



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on May 27, 2011

Can't you get a refund off the second hand dealer? He gave you a faulty product.

As long as you don't need the SD card reader a bit of duct tape does wonders.

on May 27, 2011

Not sure I want a refund. Trying to resell this unit online. I can trade it for a decent IBM Thinkpad with Windows 7 if I want. Never had a Thinkpad before. No need for tape as there is a screw in that area that holds it together just fine.

on May 27, 2011

in my opinion the biggest worry would be with the hard drive having received such a large impact,(hopefully the hdd is NOT seagate(also known as 'SHITGATE' or 'shockit it died WITH all the data and there ain't no way you can get the data back').

with laptops the main performance pointers is AMOUNT of ram(and speed of ram), then cpu mhz(ghz), number of cores, and screen size (and if it has a separate video chipset all the better, but most if not all laptop drives other than ssd are 5400rpm OR SLOWER. and the only thing I do NOT like about the thinkpads is the eraserpoint mouse in the middle of the keyboard.



on May 27, 2011

I would keep it, a little wear-and-tear gives a sort of scruffy-looking vibe. If everything still functions, that is.

on May 27, 2011

I'm seriously considering getting the Thinkpad. No worries about the hard drive. It's not a Seagate. It's a Western Digital drive. I need something a bit smaller anyhow.

on May 27, 2011

IMO. I'd keep it. Use it until you get the bucks to replace it, strip it for parts and build a laptop from both and make it work like it was on steroids. Nah...just kidding. Whichever is going to work better for you. Keeping it or the thinkpad.

on May 27, 2011

Keep it.  Just watch the HDD as harpo indicated.  If it looks like it is having issues, replace it. They are cheap enough.

on May 27, 2011

I think the main factor here would be what you paid for it in the first place... and how much longer is it under warranty?  The answers to those questions would very much impact how I'd handle things. 

on May 27, 2011

If the components aren't exposed some cosmetic damage shouldn't affect performance. Obviously what you paid for it would be a factor in it's worth too. I've never owned a Acer product but I'm on my fourth ThinkPad in nine years and have had absolutely no problems whatsoever with any of them (IBM or Lenovo)...

on May 27, 2011

I paid $250 for it if I recall correctly. I still haven't decided if I am going to trade it in yet.

on May 27, 2011

What's the retail value?

on May 27, 2011

I'd keep it. Check for any other damage first- boot, run it for a reasonable time, maybe install and play a few graphics-intensive games, that sort of thing. If it works, just duct-tape over the bad spot and avoid any future hard knocks.

on May 27, 2011

In matters such as these, to trade, to sell or to keep, there is always one who benefits at the expense of another.

I say keep it.

You see, if you keep it, you won't lose any more money by selling it or trading it.

Further, by keeping it, you will effectively prevent any potential buyer from experiencing your concerns/worries, regrets and sense of loss.  So why pass on the misery?

And should you actually profit from this potential trade/sale, then you'd be just as sneaky as the seller who gave you this misery in the first place.

Keeping it will be the most honorable thing.


on May 27, 2011

I'd keep it. Check for any other damage first- boot, run it for a reasonable time, maybe install and play a few graphics-intensive games, that sort of thing. If it works, just duct-tape over the bad spot and avoid any future hard knocks.

There is no need to tape anything as there is a screw in that area that holds everything together just fine. The only thing that got damaged was the plastic trim. Acer can fix it at my expense.

You see, if you keep it, you won't lose any more money by selling it or trading it.

If I sell it I can buy a brand new Compaq. In my CL ad I clearly show the damage so nothing is going on that is dishonest.

on May 27, 2011

As obvious as the damage is, and since it by and large still forks fine, I'd keep it for the inherent theft deterant.  People are less likely to steal it if they see it's broke.  (Not saying they won't, but still.)

But, if you can trade it in for something you would get more use out of, then definitely go for it.

-Twilight Storm

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