Published on March 24, 2012 By kona0197 In Personal Computing

So does anyone know of a program that will scan my PC and tell me what drivers need to be updated? Looking for a low cost or freeware solution.

Also my computer takes forever to boot. It's just a few days old. I've gone into MSCONFIG and turned off all of the useless things that I don't need turning on when I boot up. I've also disabled anything that auto-updates. Yet the notebook takes almost a minute and a half to boot. Can this be due to my low end Celeron B800 1.5 GHz dual core processor or is it the OS? Any ideas on a fix?

on Mar 24, 2012

SlimDrive is FREE WORKS go


Driver Genius Pro. 11 $29.95 Free Trial to scan but will not update Driver unless you pay

on Mar 24, 2012

Also my computer takes forever to boot. It's just a few days old. I've gone into MSCONFIG and turned off all of the useless things that I don't need turning on when I boot up. I've also disabled anything that auto-updates. Yet the notebook takes almost a minute and a half to boot. Can this be due to my low end Celeron B800 1.5 GHz dual core processor or is it the OS? Any ideas on a fix?

Did you Delete all the Bloatware?

Did you go to Services and put some non-needed services on Manual 

Some times when you do stuff in MSCONFIG they come back best to use Services and put them to Manual... ONLY use DISABLE if you know for sure it wont mess with something else....    or when you use MSCONFIG and they do come back you can go to

C:\Program Files and/or

C:\Program Files (x86)

find the one you don't want to start and change (Example the Extension from a .EXE to XEX   or .DLL to .LLD etc. then they can't load )


You could try reinstalling your OS  (Win 7 ??) I take it

on Mar 24, 2012

what OS is in use ? - how much memory do you have installed ? and what programs are loaded on startup...?
What protection is in use ?
I dont know of any good driver scanner  but i do it this way i browse for the manufactures homepage and look at the driver number and compare them.
A Bios flash (not always but sometimes) can help to speed up the "boot time"

on Mar 24, 2012

So does anyone know of a program that will scan my PC and tell me what drivers need to be updated? Looking for a low cost or freeware solution.

Also my computer takes forever to boot. It's just a few days old. I've gone into MSCONFIG and turned off all of the useless things that I don't need turning on when I boot up. I've also disabled anything that auto-updates. Yet the notebook takes almost a minute and a half to boot. Can this be due to my low end Celeron B800 1.5 GHz dual core processor or is it the OS? Any ideas on a fix?

Secunia PSI will get your other apps (Flash, AIR, Java, Reader, whatnot) updated, but doesn't do all drivers afaik.  Still very worth using.

I've always liked Raxco, but I've never needed to pay for these sorts of things.  Still, free trial.

Also, you might try a good defrag

Boot time should definately improve.