It's taken me awhile to start this thread, sorry. I know this may end up in flame wars. Again I am sorry.

So everyone knows my situation. Well those close to me on this site do. My computer is finally showing signs of how old it truly is. Keep in mind my computer has a Pentium 4 processor so I am guessing this setup to be almost ten years old. The problem, even after a few friends helped me here with a new hard drive and more memory, is the rest of the system. The processor can't keep up with the newer operating systems. I'm having a hard time just running XP. Found out the other day my DVD Burner drive is almost dead as it will read disc sometimes and other times it will not. Monitor is on it's last legs as well. Hard to read anything and the brightness is going out. It's an old CRT Dell monitor that is almost as old as the tower.

As Starkers had told you this computer is my main way to communicate with the things that are important in my life. So I was hoping someone out there had a few newer parts I could install to extend the life of the machine a bit. Nothing special. I already have DDR2 memory and a newer hard drive. Just need a few other things.

So carry on. Discuss I guess.

Comments (Page 24)
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on Feb 02, 2013

Wizard I will take you up on the offer on the hard drive. If it is a IDE hard drive then I will need another IDE cable. If it is a SATA drive then I will need another SATA cable. I have SATA power adapters. Thanks.

on Feb 02, 2013

Don't worry about those cables you need Kona.... I have included them in the board/tower package I'm sending you.    -- Ace --

on Feb 02, 2013

Not a problem, cables, I've got. It's not a large drive, only a Samsung 80GB IDE but that should be plenty for an XP install and loads of music or games. It will be a couple of weeks until I get my taxes back and then I'll send it your way.

on Feb 02, 2013

Thanks. This old XP rig is using the new PSU and new hard drive. I have the old PSU and it still works, just the old drive went belly up some time ago.

on Feb 02, 2013

OK. I'll toss the cable in anyway, I have plenty and it's always good to have a spare around when you need one.

on Feb 03, 2013

Everything comin' together!! Haaaaaa ha ha ha ha................

Kona...let me know when you get the disk. page.

on Feb 03, 2013

Everything is ready to go and it will be shipped tommorrow ( Monday ) I'll send a P.M. to you Kona with the tracking number. I'm sure you're going to be very pleased !!     -- Ace --

on Feb 03, 2013

Ace is da man!! 

on Feb 03, 2013

Thank you all ever so much. This Pentium 4'd days are numbered hopefully. Cross my fingers that the new system will be up and running. Then this old system can get a reinstall of XP and then get put in the closet in case we need to use it in the future.

on Feb 04, 2013

Uvah I got the Windows 7 disc in today. The Snoopy packaging brought a smile to my face. Hey send me a PM, k? I had a question.

on Feb 04, 2013

Well.....there's now a slight problem. The box I was wanting to send measures 24"x18"x18" and is approximately 18.8 lbs. When I went to UPS across town they said it would cost me $88.00 to ship !!!!!!! Are you kidding me ??? Obviously I don't have that kind of money so I left. On the way back I stopped in to the US Postal Service to get a rate. It was about half or $40.00 , which is considerably less but still, I only get paid once a month and $40 right now would really be risky for me since I don't get paid again until the 20th of this month.I'm definitely going to need some help with this.        -- Ace --

on Feb 04, 2013

Well I guess you could keep the case and send just the mobo if we can't get any help. I can't think of anything else to do.

on Feb 04, 2013

When I went to UPS across town they said it would cost me $88.00 to ship

Try Fedex ground....get rates here.

on Feb 04, 2013

Fedex =  $66.00


I had to buy the box from the storage place here in town as well as the packing tape total cost so far is close to $10 ....So you see, I already have a good chunk of change invested just to tear it all down.

on Feb 04, 2013

Also....because it is a high performance board, you will never get away with running it in a small enclosure, the heat would be very destructive, thus the reason I bought the Thermal Take tower to house it in.

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