It's taken me awhile to start this thread, sorry. I know this may end up in flame wars. Again I am sorry.

So everyone knows my situation. Well those close to me on this site do. My computer is finally showing signs of how old it truly is. Keep in mind my computer has a Pentium 4 processor so I am guessing this setup to be almost ten years old. The problem, even after a few friends helped me here with a new hard drive and more memory, is the rest of the system. The processor can't keep up with the newer operating systems. I'm having a hard time just running XP. Found out the other day my DVD Burner drive is almost dead as it will read disc sometimes and other times it will not. Monitor is on it's last legs as well. Hard to read anything and the brightness is going out. It's an old CRT Dell monitor that is almost as old as the tower.

As Starkers had told you this computer is my main way to communicate with the things that are important in my life. So I was hoping someone out there had a few newer parts I could install to extend the life of the machine a bit. Nothing special. I already have DDR2 memory and a newer hard drive. Just need a few other things.

So carry on. Discuss I guess.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Jan 17, 2013

We have already determined what motherboard we are getting. That happened a few posts ago. The board uses DDR2 RAM. It will work with what I have.

on Jan 18, 2013

Okay, I made a stuff up with the CPU, it won't be an AMD Athlon 64 x2 after all.  I don't have one of those with an AM2 socket, only a 939 socket.

However, the one I am sending instead is an AMD Phenom II 920 x4 @2.8ghz.  It's for an AM2+ socket but is backwards compatible with AM2. 

My only concern here is the 250w CPU, so hopefully Doortech has the larger wattage one he spoke of sorted.

For future reference, the CPU is also forward compatible with AM3 sockets, but that requires DDR3 RAM and would be a bigger upgrade if it's ever a consideration.

Anyway, I'm off down the street to post it now.... bye.


on Jan 18, 2013

DVD RW on it's way from Newegg.

on Jan 18, 2013

@ Starkers: I am hoping someone will help Doortech with shipping costs. That way we can get that PSU and Monitor up here.As always, thanks!

@ RedneckDude: Thank you ever so much!

on Jan 18, 2013

Sorry I missed all of you yesterday, it was hectic and long at work.   I plan on all I said ,today, barring any snags with ordering. I will get the psu, cooler, and board, hope it is still available.


You guys are making me look so bad, all your stuff is on the boat and I am not even at the dock yet. I will follow through, just timing as always.  On it today.


Someone should save Uvah the expense and cancel that windows disc package he is planning, Kona will not need it from what I hear.


Again, you guys rock,wish I was as timely!


I will , because I did not yet, get that LCD cost. Talk to all of ya later, DoorTech1.

on Jan 18, 2013

Thanks for the update. Thank you for your help.

on Jan 18, 2013

If starkers is going to send Win 8 that will be a big plus as I do not have the original product key for Win 7 Pro. Try as I might i could not find it. Like I said I use the Home Premium version not the Pro version, that disc was given to me awhile back. Kona would have to call Microsoft for a new product key. Pretty soon we'll be looking to Kona for stuff.  You're gonna have a bangin' system dude. Maybe I could send it anyway...just in case. I still have twelve days to go.

on Jan 18, 2013

You guys are making me look so bad, all your stuff is on the boat and I am not even at the dock yet. I will follow through, just timing as always. On it today.

Nah, don't think that, you're doing a great thing and we're all grateful for it.  Besides, you were working and we [RedneckDude and I] weren't, so you have good reason to be a little behind us.  Not to worry, though, it'll all work out just fine.

@ Starkers: I am hoping someone will help Doortech with shipping costs.

Yeah, me too, though it'll just be the monitor now.  If I wasn't on a budget I'd throw in a few bucks to get it started, but alas I am on a financial leash until next payday.  I'd have a few bucks then, but hopefully it's on its way and not necessary.

Anyhow, I'm beat and going to bed... nite all.


on Jan 18, 2013

Sweet dreams Mark. Don't let them CC's get ya.

on Jan 18, 2013

Anyone around or Kona himself, send me a pm with Konas name , First and last for shipping if you could please, its holding me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Also, weigh in time, 550 watt with two sata plugs ,  or ,  450 with 4 sata plugs.

on Jan 18, 2013

Check your PM DT1 and thanks

on Jan 18, 2013

Check your PM DT1 and thanks

 no you check yours, and thanks.

on Jan 18, 2013

I have some thoughts on the LCD.


The 15inch, could go anytime, and I have several, all have bulging caps.


I have a 13inch, brand new practically, would be about twenty bucks to ship.


Tiger direct has a few 17inch refurbished for 50 bucks.


What to do.

on Jan 18, 2013

The ones with the bulging caps are toast so you're better off getting rid of them unless you're into fixing them which can cost a bundle. I'd go with the 13inch, easier and faster.

on Jan 18, 2013


I have a 13inch, brand new practically, would be about twenty bucks to ship.

I'd go with the 13inch, easier and faster.

Money-wise you're better off going with the 13" as Uvah suggested, and you have done quite a bit already, but it's your decision based on what you can afford best.

As for the PSU, the 550w would be the better option power-wise, and splitters can be used to turn 2 plugs into 4.

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