Published on June 10, 2013 By kona0197 In Personal Computing

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I've been busy working. The computer we all built is running great, it got a newer video card the other day. Fan on the PSU is acting up. Any how, I was wondering if there is a simple little program to display the weather temp in degrees that will sit next to my clock in the taskbar. Thanks!

on Jun 10, 2013

Try this out kona.  This works good, stays updated and will give you current temp in your systray.The on-screen window can display all sorts of weather info as can the screensaver. You don't need to use the screensaver function if you don't use one.


Or, my Mother has used Weatherbug for years, it also works well. and will give you weather alerts in your taskbar or systray.