It's taken me awhile to start this thread, sorry. I know this may end up in flame wars. Again I am sorry.

So everyone knows my situation. Well those close to me on this site do. My computer is finally showing signs of how old it truly is. Keep in mind my computer has a Pentium 4 processor so I am guessing this setup to be almost ten years old. The problem, even after a few friends helped me here with a new hard drive and more memory, is the rest of the system. The processor can't keep up with the newer operating systems. I'm having a hard time just running XP. Found out the other day my DVD Burner drive is almost dead as it will read disc sometimes and other times it will not. Monitor is on it's last legs as well. Hard to read anything and the brightness is going out. It's an old CRT Dell monitor that is almost as old as the tower.

As Starkers had told you this computer is my main way to communicate with the things that are important in my life. So I was hoping someone out there had a few newer parts I could install to extend the life of the machine a bit. Nothing special. I already have DDR2 memory and a newer hard drive. Just need a few other things.

So carry on. Discuss I guess.

Comments (Page 38)
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on Feb 19, 2013

Stop worrying.

Case and drive temps are fine, like I said before.

on Feb 19, 2013

Looks like the most my CPU can handle is 143F. Right now it's sitting at 104F. I think I am OK. I might get a better CPU cooler in the future. What about my case and hard drive temps?

Terry, your temps are well within the safe range and you have no reason to worry.  When the weather warms up for Summer, check your temps and see if there is any significant increases... if so then look into more/better cooling.

on Feb 19, 2013

Terry, your temps are well within the safe range and you have no reason to worry. When the weather warms up for Summer, check your temps and see if there is any significant increases... if so then look into more/better cooling.

Spot on......and you would be better off spending your money on a good cpu cooler, rather than more case fans.....

on Feb 19, 2013

Whats the point of abetter CPU cooler if the rest of the system is suffering? I would like to see my hard drive temp come down a bit. My RAM gets hot to the touch.

on Feb 19, 2013

Kona, your temps are fine. I don't see how the rest of your system is suffering.


Is there no end to your complaining?


Will you ever be happy?


You have a much better system than some people, better than my last OEM build.


Why do you ask us questions, then not believe our answers?


Your temps are fine.


Enjoy the system you've been given and be grateful to have it.

on Feb 19, 2013

Whats the point of abetter CPU cooler if the rest of the system is suffering?

It's like a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Typically the hottest thing needing cooling is the cooling that is the prime concern....and the cooler it is the less it bleeds heat into the other components....

on Feb 19, 2013

The only suffering going on is everyone listening to you wimper about imagined shortcomings and problems with your free PC. Give it a rest and just enjoy the thing. At least do some research on your own as to what is or is not "too high", "too low", "too hot", "too cold", "too fast", "too slow", "too noisy", too quiet" and on and on and on....................................... Until you have money to upgrade it, you have what you have, just like most of us. Run it until it drops.

on Feb 19, 2013

It's like a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Typically the hottest thing needing cooling is the cooling that is the prime concern....and the cooler it is the less it bleeds heat into the other components....

I was trying to think of a way to explain it to you, but this says it all......

I find that the COOLER MASTER GeminII S524 120mm Long Life Sleeve CPU Cooler works well and hangs over the ram(if its not real tall) and helps cool it is also one of the lowest profile coolers and fits in almost every case. Comes with a 120mm fan, but 140mm work also.

on Feb 19, 2013

typical kona. for somebody who says he's trying to change (he's been saying that for 10 years), he hasn't changed one iota. he starts a thread crying about his rig and begs people to give him a new one and now he's constantly complaining about it. at one point it was the vid card. another was the case given to him didn't have any drive bay faceplates and now the cpu cooler isn't good enough. most people are grateful when they're given something and don't complain about it. but we're talking about kona ...... some things never change. a few of us were around back in the stardock irc days years ago and remember.

on Feb 19, 2013

Is there no end to your complaining?

Will you ever be happy?

I wasn't complaining. I was merely asking questions. Can you not see the difference? And I am happy, thank you.

The only suffering going on is everyone listening to you wimper

I wasn't whimpering. I just wanted to make sure everything was OK. I've never had a quad core machine beofre so I am in uncharted waters. Sorry.

on Feb 19, 2013

Hey, people, let's not forget that some of us mentioned heat causing system damage... that this case he's using did not have the best cooling, etc.  Once you instill a sense of fear, it isn't always easy to overcome.... especially for someone with issues.  So how about some consideration on that score rather than finding ways to criticise the bloke.

And kona, Jafo is correct.  If you maintain lower temperatures for your CPU, case temps will naturally be lower.  At this time, however, your temps are fine, despite comments regarding inadequate airflow/ventilation with that case.  It may not be the latest and greatest, but it will serve your needs well enough for now... and if temps approach danger levels during the Summer months - and that's a BIG IF - we'll take a look at it then.

In the meantime, though, relax and enjoy your machine, okay.

on Feb 19, 2013

typical kona. for somebody who says he's trying to change (he's been saying that for 10 years), he hasn't changed one iota. he starts a thread crying about his rig and begs people to give him a new one and now he's constantly complaining about it. at one point it was the vid card. another was the case given to him didn't have any drive bay faceplates and now the cpu cooler isn't good enough. most people are grateful when they're given something and don't complain about it. but we're talking about kona ...... some things never change. a few of us were around back in the stardock irc days years ago and remember.

And YOU don't understand. Starkers understands. I WASN"T complaining about anything so please quit and leave me alone, thank you!

And for the record I wasn't complaining about anything you mentioned. I'm starting to thing you people don't know what complaining is. I was just asking questions.

on Feb 19, 2013

Kona, don't treat me like I'm stupid, this:


Whats the point of abetter CPU cooler if the rest of the system is suffering? clearly a complaint. The rest of your system ISN'T suffering.


Again, you have been given nice things, be happy, stop worrying, your system is fine, use it, enjoy it, stop complaining.


on Feb 19, 2013

No, that is not a complaint. A complaint would have been along the lines of "This CPU cooler sucks. Why doesn't it cool better?" My response was just a statement. I was concerned that the CPU cooler wasn't cooling the CPU well enough. I was simply caring for my computer.

on Feb 19, 2013

RedneckDude clearly a complaint.'s a question.  You just have to know how Kona's mind works....then you see it's a question.


[What!!!! Does Kona's mind work?] ...see...

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